Your trusted business partner In line with quality and nature A leader in ethanol production Together we can achieve more

Your trusted business partner In line with quality and nature A leader in ethanol production Together we can achieve more

About us:

Since 1990, BGW Sp. z o.o. has been expanding its services by improving its production processes. Initially, the company focused on trading in liquid fuels and engine oils. Over the years, through continuous development and investments, the company expanded its offerings to include other services such as eco-fuels, feed production, and excise tax consulting. However, the primary focus of our company became ethanol production. We largely implement our projects thanks to funds received from and acquired through European Funds.

A significant milestone in our development and investments was the acquisition of the Distillery in Rąbczyn in 2002. Through continuous modernization and investments, the historic agricultural distillery has been transformed into a facility with industrial production capacity, offering many possibilities and high efficiency. The technology used during production and our own laboratory ensure the high quality of the products.

The year 2022 brought further success to the company. It marked a turning point in our operations. Our company’s vision and mission allowed for a strategic approach to our activities. Through innovative and continuous investments, we are developing and improving the quality of our products and services. We understand the needs and can provide solutions better than the competition. By pursuing our defined goals, we acquired the POLMOS Łańcut S.A. vodka factory. Thanks to our bold business decisions, our company has become a leader in the production of ethyl alcohol on the market.





Our products are directed towards many sectors, including the food and industrial sectors. All alcohols comply with the stringent requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph.Eur.) 9th Edition. Produced ethanols:


Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGS) is produced in the process of ethanol production from corn starch. The mash obtained after fermentation and distillation of ethyl alcohol is concentrated and then subjected to the drying process. This results in the highest quality protein feed material, used as a component in feed for cattle, swine, poultry, and it directly impacts the protein level in milk, while the content of natural carotenoids has a positive effect on the yolk color of eggs.

Young business professionals discussing work documents


The complexity of excise tax obligations requires specialized knowledge, which we possess. We provide professional support at every stage of cooperation. Proper excise tax settlement will protect against many adverse consequences.


We engage in the trade of liquid fuels and heating oil. We provide transportation services to both individual customers and large enterprises. We conduct wholesale and retail sales. The ordered goods are delivered to the specified address using our own transportation.

Gasoline Pump Nozzles
Farmer holding corn cob and talking on cell phone on field


Our company conducts year-round purchase of dry corn and, during the harvest season, wet corn. The parameters required for the delivered raw material are in accordance with the Polish Standard. We maintain constant cooperation with both agricultural producers and trading companies. The raw materials provided by them have a significant impact on the final quality of our product, which is why we ensure a professional assessment of grain parameters. Local farmers and their farms play a strategic role in our company, and importantly, we contribute to the development of the Polish agricultural industry. We are a trusted partner guaranteeing stable and attractive prices as well as payment punctuality. We provide professional and reliable service.


Specialized laboratories oversee the course of processes in our production facilities. Our Quality Control Laboratory operates 7 days a week, allowing us to continuously monitor the production processes and provide results to the production departments to ensure the stable quality of our products.

Scientist working in the laboratory


Podstawowe możliwości laboratorium BD to najnowocześniejsze platformy fermentacyjne o pojemności od 1 ml do 10 000 l, umożliwiające w pełni zautomatyzowaną kontrolę procesu w czasie rzeczywistym.

The Coronavirus or COVID vaccine researched by pharmaceutical bio research and development scientist
Chemistry scientist using research equipment in laboratory


Główne możliwości laboratorium AC koncentrują się na wdrażaniu różnorodnych instrumentalnych i innych metod analitycznych pozwalających na ilościowe oznaczenie docelowego związku nawet w bardzo trudnych matrycach.


W zależności od specyfikacji końcowego produktu etanolowego i ograniczeń procesu produkcyjnego, nasza firma BGW s.p. z o.o. dostarcza czyste lub złożone kultury szczepów drożdży w różnych formatach produktów. Wybór produktów drożdżowych BGW połączony jest z gwarancją wydajności produktu, walidacją wydajności procesu i wsparciem technicznym optymalizacji. Katalog produktów drożdżowych do napojów, zastosowań przemysłowych i paliwowych jest dostępny na życzenie.

Mid adult man with flask of yeast for home brew beer
Scientist working in the laboratory


Dzięki naszemu laboratorium kontroli jakości, jesteśmy w stanie zapewnić, iż wytwarzane przez nas produkty, spełniają określone wymagania jakościowe i są zgodne z normami i przepisami prawnymi. Dokładamy wszelkich starań i monitorujemy te wszystkie procesy, aby zapewnić, że nasze produkty są spójne, bezpieczne i zaspokoją oczekiwania naszych klientów. Regularnie sprawdzamy zboża, enzymy, drożdże i inne dodatki w celu zapewnienia ich najwyższej jakości i przydatności do produkcji.